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Hbc Hackmii Installer Wad

WadHbcHbc Hackmii Installer Wad

Required:. An SD card (Best results are with non-SDHC cards, SDHC will only work on 4.0 or above) or USB device formatted to FAT(32). A (Not required if you use a WAD manager that supports AHBPROT). Alternatively, having IOS236 will also work. A WAD file to install.

WADs can be found at lots of different places. Make sure the WAD is from a reliable source!Links:. Yet Another Wad Manager Mod (YAWMM): (modified version that supports WiiU (vWii), Motion+ remotes and AHBPROT).

Homebrew Browser

Original version project page & download:Result:. Use the WAD manager to get new channels and other stuff.